Tartan & Taps 2025 Itinerary
Thursday 10/23/2025
1400 hrs Registration - Hotel Conference center
1800 hrs Meet & Greet -LOCATION TBD-meet your instructors, and ask any questions regarding the event, as well as meet all your fellow classmates and some of our sponsors.
Friday 10/24/2025
0700 hrs breakfast served @ Hospitality suite-room TBD
0900 hrs instructor introduction & opening remarks
0930-1030 1st class
1030-1200 2nd class
1200 lunch served @ Hospitality suite
1300-1430 class 3
1430-1600 class 4
1900 rally in lobby for evening performances
Saturday 10/25/2024
0700 hrs breakfast served @ hospitality suite
0900-1030 class 1
1030-1200 class 2
1200 lunch served @ hospitality suite
1300-1430 class 3
1430-1600 class 4
1900 rally in host hotel lobby for evening performances