Our Classes

Pipe Band Classes

Band classes will be set up in 1.5 hour rotational instructor blocks, instead of the traditional “show up and learn new scores” method.

Advanced and intermediate players should show up with a solid grasp on the music packets. (LINK IN TOP MENU) Classroom outline will be similar to the one pictured HERE. Each instructor will present 2-3 subjects over each day, and students will choose what classroom they would like to sit in for each 1.5 hour block.

Beginner players will have a dedicated instructor each do, to give you a solid foundation for you piping & drumming journey.


Honor Guard

A localFire Rescue Honor Guard will be instructing for this events LODD training.

Subjects will include, but not limited to:

Posting the colors



Casket watch, loading and unloading

Tool presentation

Drill commands


Changing guard

Carrying the colors for the band during the evening festifities

Drum Major Classes

Come learn with one of the best, Bryan Martin, who teaches the British Columbia Regimental Drum Major Course in Canada.

Then, join our ranks as a drum major, performing in public each evening, with the band!

There’s no substitute for hands on training


Enroll for the class you’d like to attend.

If its outside your comfort level, or too easy, you can always change classrooms during the event.